Audience's Favorite
When you create a Ranking Activity using Poll Everywhere, you can ask your audience any question with predetermined answer options that they rank from best to worst. You ask the question, and the audience moves the responses up and down on their devices. Together, you see the chart move as votes fill the screen — the top-ranked choices fill the top, revealing the audience's favorite.
This is an interactive way to engage your audience, gather their opinions, and maybe spark a friendly debate.

An Interactive Polling Experience
Engage your audience and see the results form on the screen in real-time.

Create a Ranking Activity
Enter your question or prompt into the Activity Creator and provide a minimum of 2 answer options for your audience to rank.

Present the activity during your presentation. The audience ranks the options up and down on their device via a web browser or the Poll Everywhere app.

See the audience's eyes light up as their choices appear on the screen. Or hide the responses to do a grand reveal at the end of your presentation.

What Counts as a Sandwich?
Rank the following foods from most sandwich to least sandwich.