Learning management system (LMS)

Integrate your university- or department-wide account with your LMS

Seamlessly import and export student data

Import student roster
Register your students as participants by importing your student roster from your LMS to Poll Everywhere. This creates a participant account for every student, eliminating student self-registration.

Export grades
Transfer a gradebook report directly into your LMS with student attendance, participation scores, and graded questions.


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Gauge your student’s comprehension with auto-graded responses. Set one option as correct and track participation. A gradebook report can be exported directly to your LMS.



For more high-level summaries and detailed insights beyond the gradebook, try the reporting feature. Export the results of your polls into comprehensive reports.

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Registered Participants

Import student rosters to automatically register students as participants. Registered participants can be identified by name, email, phone number, or identifiers.

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