A Poll of Endless Possibilities
When you create a Clickable Image using Poll Everywhere, you can upload any image you want to format your Activity. You ask the question, and the audience responds on their devices. Together, you see the pins fill the screen — spotting a correct answer, sharing an opinion, or picking a favorite. The possibilities are endless.
This is an excellent way to get creative and use images to review complex topics or discover shared feelings within the crowd. Invite your audience to your presentation and discover what you can learn together.
Audience Engagement with a Strong Visual Impact
Keep your audience engaged with your presentation with attention-grabbing visuals and interactive experiences.
Choose an image and upload it to create the Clickable Image activity. Keep it open-ended or define regions.
Present the activity during your presentation. The audiences drops pins on their device via a web browser or the Poll Everywhere app.
See the audience's eyes light up as their pins fill the screen. Or hide the responses to do a grand reveal at the end of your presentation.