Poll Everywhere for Keynote on Mac

Spark exciting conversations directly from your Keynote slides.

Keynote Mockup
create activities

Create Your Activities

Choose from various Activity Types such as Multiple-Choice Polls or Word Clouds to engage your audience with.

powerpoint presentation

Present in Keynote

Insert your Activity directly into your Keynote slides and present it as normal. The slides will activate automatically.


Gather Audience Responses

Responses will populate the screen in real-time, giving your audience an activate role in the presentation.


Engage participants

Ask interactive questions that spark impactful discussions. Choose from a variety of activity types, insert them seamlessly into your decks, and watch results come in live on the screen — all without leaving Keynote.


Hear from everyone

Share the mic with every attendee. Whether you meet virtually, in person, or in a hybrid environment. Poll Everywhere for Keynote lets you get to know everyone in the audience.

poll everywhere illustration

Power decisions with data

When presenting using Poll Everywhere for Keynote,  gather audience insights that inform your content strategy, learning goals, and business objectives. Then, run a detailed report to analyze the results. 

  • Turn Keynote presentations into dialogues


    Engage participants

    Ask interactive questions that spark impactful discussions. Choose from a variety of activity types, insert them seamlessly into your decks, and watch results come in live on the screen — all without leaving Keynote.

  • Incorporate audience feedback in real time


    Hear from everyone

    Share the mic with every attendee. Whether you meet virtually, in person, or in a hybrid environment. Poll Everywhere for Keynote lets you get to know everyone in the audience.

  • Generate longterm insights

    poll everywhere illustration

    Power decisions with data

    When presenting using Poll Everywhere for Keynote,  gather audience insights that inform your content strategy, learning goals, and business objectives. Then, run a detailed report to analyze the results. 

Set Up For Success

Poll Everywhere for Keynote requires macOS 10.12 'Sierra' or newer.

Find out the minimum hardware, software, and device requirements for optimal app performance.

illustration of rocket

Create Interactive Presentations with Poll Everywhere

Foster impactful conversations with your audience.